HIPAA Support

HIPAA refers to the specific set of ASC X12 EDI messages which are used for healthcare-related information exchange. This grid shows all available versions supported along with all of the message types within each version.

 These messages have incorporated all current errata, including those related to extended character set support.

HIPAA Standards Legend:
The XML Converter does not support this message type for this version.
The HIPAA standard does not define this message for this version.
Transaction Set  HIPAA Message Name
004010...  004010A1... 005010... 005010A1... 005010A2...  005010A3... 
270 ...X092  ...X092A1 ...X279 ...X279A1     Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Inquiry
271  ...X092 ...X092A1  ...X279 ...X279A1 Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Information
275     ...X210       Additional Information to Support a Health Care Claim or Encounter
276 ...X093  ...X093A1
...X217     Health Care Claim Status Request
277  ...X093  ...X093A1 ...X212     Health Care Claim Status Notification
278  ...X094 ...X094A1 ...X217     Health Care Services Review Information
278N  ...X216           Health Care Services Review Information - Notification
820 ...X061  ...X061A1  ...X218     Payment Order/Remittance Advice
834 ...X095  ...X095A1
...X220 ...X220A1     Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance
835  ...X091 ...X091A1
...X221 ...X221A1
    Health Care Claim Payment/Advice
997     ...X230       Functional Acknowledgment
999      ...X231 ...X231A1     Implementation Acknowledgment for Health Care Insurance
837D ...X097  ...X097A1
...X224 ...X224A1 ...X224A2  ...X224A3  Health Care Claim: Dental
837I ...X096  ...X096A1 ...X223 ...X223A1 ...X223A2  ...X223A3  Health Care Claim: Institutional
837P ...X098  ...X098A1 ...X222 ...X222A1 ...X222A2   Health Care Claim: Professional
Implementation Acknowledgment For Health Care Insurance
Implementation Acknowledgment For Health Care Insurance
Implementation Acknowledgment For Health Care Insurance
Implementation Acknowledgment For Health Care Insurance
Implementation Acknowledgment For Health Care Insurance
Implementation Acknowledgment For Health Care Insurance