Edig@s (EDIGAS) is an Electronic Data Interchange standard dealing with commerce, transport (via pipeline or container) and storage of gas. Based originally on the 1996 version of EDIFACT, Edig@s has evolved through several versions and is highly optimized for the rapid transmission of gas-related events between foreign and domestic producers, transporters and distributors.
This grid shows all available versions supported along with all of the message types within each version. All current versions of Edig@s that are defined with EDI syntax are supported.
Edig@s Standards Legend:
The XML Converter supports this message type for this version.
The XML Converter does not support this message type for this version.
The Edig@s standard does not define this message for this version.
ID Edig@s Message
2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0
ACCPOS Account Position Message
ALOCAT Allocation Message
APERAK Application Error & Acknowledgment Message
AVAILY Availability Message
CHACAP Changed Capacity Message
CONTRL Syntax and Service Report Message
DAYREP Daily Report Message
DELORD Delivery Order Message
DELRES Delivery Order Response Message
FLORAT Flow Rate Limit Message
GASDAT Gasdata Message
GASREQ Gasdata Request Message
GENRAL General Purpose Message
IMBNOT Imbalance Notice Message
INVATT Attachment to Invoice Message
INVOIC Invoice Message
NOMINT Nomination Message
NOMRES Nomination Response Message
QALNOT Quality Deficient Gas Notice
QALTAK Quality Deficient Gas Take Notice
REQEST Request Message
REQRES Request Response Message
TRANCO Trader's Net Confirmation Notice
TRANTR Trader's Net Trade Notice